Area Reformation Service
You are invited to join with your brothers and sisters in Christ from all of the WELS congregations in the Tucson area for a special Reformation Service on Sunday, October 29 at 4:00 PM. The service will be held at Grace Lutheran Church’s Tucson location (830 N 1st Ave) and will be followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments. The service will include music from a children’s choir, a joint adult choir and orchestra, and a message from guest preacher and President of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Pastor Earle Treptow.

Grace's 3rd Annual Spanferkelfest (Pig Roast) is coming up on Saturday, October 7, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Join us for an afternoon of fun. There will be roasted pork and sides, activities for kids, a bounce house, music, raffles, and a good time.

Carols in the Courtyard
Begin the Christmas season with your friends at Grace! Sing along with favorite Christmas songs, enjoy some hot chocolate and homemade Christmas treats, and spend a fun evening with friends and neighbors in our decorated courtyard! We hope you can join us Friday, December 9 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM in the Grace-Tucson courtyard.

Christmas Day Worship 10 AM
Our Christmas Day Festival Service at Grace-Tucson begins at 10:00 AM. God's own Son has come into our world! We give him our praise and thanks. Sing "Joy to the World!"

Christmas Day Worship 8 AM
Our first Christmas Day Festival Service at Grace-Tucson begins at 8:00 AM. God's own Son has come into our world! We give him our praise and thanks. Sing "Joy to the World!"

Christmas Eve Worship 7 PM
Come and hear the story of God’s greatest gift. We invite you to be our guest as we remember when God sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. The child born in a Bethlehem stable came to live for us, die for us, and rise from the dead for us. In Jesus Christ, our hope has arrived. Our services include an inspiring message, favorite Christmas songs, and a place to find God’s greatest gift.
A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Christmas Eve Worship 4 PM
Come and hear the story of God’s greatest gift. We invite you to be our guest as we remember when God sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. The child born in a Bethlehem stable came to live for us, die for us, and rise from the dead for us. In Jesus Christ, our hope has arrived. Our services include an inspiring message, favorite Christmas songs, and a place to find God’s greatest gift.
A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Women of Grace Valentine's Tea
The Women of Grace will have their annual Valentine’s Tea at Grace-Tucson on Saturday, February 15 at 11:30 AM. Female members from all sites are encouraged to participate in this popular event, which will include a luncheon and presentation by Missy Wiechmann. RSVPs are requested for this event so that everyone has a place set for them! Contact Diane Kramm or the Church Office for more information or to RSVP.

ALA Sunday at Grace-Tucson
The A Cappella Choir from Arizona Lutheran Academy (ALA) in Phoenix will be sharing their musical talents with us in our regular worship services on Sunday, February 9 at Grace-Tucson. The services will also include a guest preacher from ALA, and the ALA principal will be sharing information in our Bible Study. Please join us!

Chupala Lunch
Grace's high school youth group, the Lifeliners, invite you to join them following the 10:00 worship service on Sunday, January 19 at Grace-Tucson for their annual Chupala Lunch. Chupala is a delicious chicken and bean dish with southwestern spices that is served with tortillas or corn chips and toppings (lettuce, tomatoes, olives, cheese, etc.). The lunch after church is a great time to enjoy some fellowship.
The Chupala Lunch is also one of the ways that the Lifeliners raise funds for their activities. Donations are appreciated (checks may be made out to Grace), but you are welcome to eat even if you are unable to contribute. The funding for this event is sponsored by a Thrivent Action Team Grant.

WELS Tucson Campus Ministry Welcome Back Party
TCM officially starts the spring semester with its Welcome Back Party on January 14 @ 7 PM. Reconnect with friends after the Christmas break, enjoy a pizza dinner, and hear what updates TCM has for the spring semester. We will also sign and activate spring parking privileges at this party.

Christmas Day Worship
Our Christmas Day Festival Service at Grace-Tucson begins at 10:00 AM. God's own Son has come into our world! We give him our praise and thanks. Sing "Joy to the World!"

Christmas Eve Worship
God looked at our broken world and loved it. He sent his Son to bring God’s love and forgiveness to people in desperate need of both. The child born in a Bethlehem stable came to live for us, die for us, and rise from the dead to be our Savior. Join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Our worship will feature an inspiring message, favorite Christmas songs, and a place to find God’s world-changing love.
A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Christmas For Kids
Grace Church is hosting a Christmas celebration for our Savior Jesus’ birth for kids in Pre K - Grade 5 on Saturday, December 7, from 10 AM - 12 PM. Older siblings are welcome to attend and volunteer. Some of our activities will include:
Making crafts
Singing songs
Playing games
Meeting friends
100% free
Please click here to reserve your child’s spot.
We hope your kids can come to our free, fun-filled event to celebrate Jesus’ birth!
Christmas For Kids will take place at Grace Lutheran Church (830 N 1st Ave, 85719) on Saturday, December 7, from 10 AM to 12:00 PM. If you have questions, call the church office (520) 623-6633 or email Pastor Patoka (RevTLP@GraceLutheranSAZ.org).

Thanksgiving Worship
Join us at Grace-Tucson for a special service of thanksgiving and praise on the evening before Thanksgiving Day. Stick around after the service and enjoy some pie with us as well.

Area Reformation Service
Join the WELS churches in the Tucson area in giving thanks to God for his blessings as we celebrate Reformation. Our special worship service begins at 4:00. Our guest preacher is retired pastor Sam Clemons, who previously served at Grace. Stick around after the service to enjoy refreshments.

Roast Beef Dinner and Craft Fair
The Roast Beef Dinner, hosted by Women of Grace, is October 18, 2019. Join us for a delicious meal and fun with friends. A freewill offering will be received, and anything above the cost of the meal will be used in support of Women of Grace activities. Members of Grace are asked to bring a pie to share for dessert. Plus, check out the Craft Fair items available for a donation to Women of Grace!

ESL Begins
Grace's English as a Second Language program starts a new semester on Monday, September 9. Classes run on Mondays and Tuesdays from September until May, 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM. $10 is requested for registration and materials. Classes are offered in three different levels.

Set Sail! Vacation Bible School
Ahoy, mates! We’re sounding the ship’s horn at Grace Lutheran Church. Children ages 3 — 10 are invited to join in Set Sail! — a Vacation Bible School with a sailing theme.
Monday, June 24 — Friday, June 28
9:00 AM — 11:45 AM
Ages 3 — 10
Featuring songs, games, Bible lesson, and crafts
Grace Lutheran Church is located at 830 N 1st Ave, 85719 (Euclid & 2nd Street). Siblings older than 10 are welcome to help and volunteer for each day’s fun activities.
For more information, call Pastor Tim Patoka at (520) 623-6633.
To register your child(ren) to Set Sail! with Grace, fill this out.

Good Friday
Join us at 7:00 PM at either our Tucson or our Sahuarita location for a special Good Friday service remembering Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross.

Easter 4 Kids
Grace Lutheran is hosting a celebration of Jesus' empty tomb for kids age 3 through grade 5. Some of our activities will include:
Hunting for Easter eggs
Making crafts
Singing songs
Learning the Easter account
Eating lunch
Be sure to join us for this free, fun-filled children’s event!
Saturday, April 13, from 10 AM - 12:15 PM.
830 N 1st Avenue Tucson, AZ 85719
Register your child(ren) by going here.
If you have questions, please call the Grace office at (520) 623-6633 or email Pastor Patoka.
Mexican Dinner
Join us for good food and good times with friends! The annual Mexican Dinner is sponsored by the Women of Grace. A freewill offering will be received. On the menu: Sour Cream Enchiladas, Beef Tacos, Refried Beans, and Chips and Salsa. Grace members are asked to bring a cake for dessert. There are always opportunities to volunteer to help as well!

Chupala Lunch
Grace's high school youth group, the Lifeliners, invite you to join them following the 10:00 worship service on Sunday, February 17 at Grace-Tucson for their annual Chupala Lunch. Chupala is a delicious chicken and bean dish with southwestern spices that is served with tortillas or corn chips and toppings (lettuce, tomatoes, olives, cheese, etc.). The lunch after church is a great time to enjoy some fellowship.
The Chupala Lunch is also one of the ways that the Lifeliners raise funds for their activities. Donations are appreciated (checks may be made out to Grace), but you are welcome to eat even if you are unable to contribute. The funding for this event is sponsored by a Thrivent Action Team Grant.

Women of Grace Valentine's Tea
The Women of Grace will have their annual Valentine’s Tea at Grace-Tucson on February 16 at 11:30 AM. Female members from all sites are encouraged to participate in this popular event, which will include a luncheon and presentation by Mrs. Debbie Dietrich. RSVPs are requested for this event so that everyone has a place set for them! Contact Diane Kramm or the Church Office for more information or to RSVP.

Christmas Day Worship
Our Christmas Day Festival Service at Grace-Tucson begins at 10:00 AM. God's own Son has come into our world! We give him our praise and thanks. Sing "Joy to the World!"

Christmas Eve Worship
The world can be a dark place. We see it in the news. We see it in our lives. But on the first Christmas, a brilliant light pierced the darkness. The child born in a Bethlehem stable had come to bring the light of forgiveness and peace to a darkened world. Join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Our Christmas worship will feature an inspiring message, favorite Christmas carols, and a place to bask in the light of the Christ-child.
A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Christmas 4 Kids
Grace Lutheran Church is hosting a Christmas celebration for our Savior Jesus’ birth for kids age 3 through 5th grade. Some of our activities will include:
Make crafts and projects
Eat snacks
Sing songs about our Savior
Play games
Celebrate Christmas
100% free
We hope your kids can come to our free, fun-filled event to celebrate Jesus’ birth!
Christmas 4 Kids will take place at Grace Lutheran Church (830 N 1st Ave, 85719) on Saturday, December 22, from 10 AM to 12:30 PM. If you have questions, call the church office (520) 623-6633 or email Pastor Patoka (RevTLP@GraceLutheranSAZ.org).
To register for Christmas 4 Kids, fill out our online registration form here.
Mike Westendorf Concert
WELS musician Mike Westendorf presents “One Night in Bethlehem.” This Christmas Concert offers a unique look at the Christmas story as told through the characters of the nativity scene. It points to the source of lasting peace using the stories and songs of the season. Join us for this evening of music, rest, and inspiration! There will be an opportunity at the concert to support Mike through a freewill offering and CD purchases.