Dedication Services
Grace Lutheran Church in Sahuarita, AZ will give thanks to God with services of dedication for the new church building and child learning center on Sunday, January 17. In order to accommodate social distancing, the events will be spaced out during the afternoon. Please sign up via this link or by calling the church office so that a safe and healthy dedication celebration will be had by all. Below is the schedule of events. Please join us in praising God, from whom all blessings flow. Through your prayers, volunteer hours, and offerings, God used you to help us construct a new church building and child learning center.
Noon-1 PM Lunch
1 PM Dedication Worship
3 PM Dedication Worship (Mask Required & No Congregational singing)
5 PM Dedication Worship
6 PM Dinner
Please join us for one of the Sunday afternoon dedication services, including lunch before the 1 PM service or dinner after the 5 PM service. The food will be the same for both meals. To help us plan properly, please use the SignUpGenius page to register as a “worshiper” for the specific service you plan to attend.