Transfiguration Sunday, February 11, 2024
From the River to the Mountain: A Glimpse of His True Glory
First Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-12.
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Gospel: Mark 9:2-9
Pastor Ron Koehler
Transfiguration Sunday, February 11, 2024
From the River to the Mountain: A Glimpse of His True Glory
First Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-12.
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Gospel: Mark 9:2-9
Pastor Ron Koehler
The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, February 4, 2024
From the River to the Mountain: The Devil’s Work Undone
First Reading: Isaiah 40:27-31
Second Reading: 1 Peter 5:6-11
Gospel: Mark 1: 29-39
Pastor Nate Kassulke
The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, January 28, 2024
From the River to the Mountain: Absolute Authority
First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20.
Second Reading: Hebrews 3:1-6.
Gospel and Sermon Text: Mark 1:21-28. Spread the News of Jesus’ Authority
Pastor Tim Pakoka
The Third Sunday after Epiphany, January 21, 2024
From the River to the Mountain: Committed to a Lofty Charge
First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10.
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:14-21.
Gospel: Mark 1:14-20.
Sermon: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Written by Pastor Ron Koehler as read by Pastor Tim Pakoka
The Baptism of Our Lord, January 14, 2024
From the River to the Mountain: It Begins with Baptism
First Reading: Isaiah 49:1-6. Through the pen of the prophet Isaiah, the Messiah himself speaks of the work he would do when he was anointed at his baptism.
Second Reading: Romans 6:1-11. St Paul connects our baptism to Christ.
Gospel: Mark 1:4-11. Jesus’ public ministry begins with the anointing he received in his baptism.
Sermon: Romans 6:1-11. Consider Your Baptized Self: Dead to Sin; Alive to God.
Because of our union with Jesus’ death and resurrection, sin has no place in our life. We are forgiven of every sin an no longer desire to live in it any longer. We have a new life that is freed to serve God with Christ at our side.
Pastor Tim Patoka
The Epiphany of our Lord, Sunday, January 7, 2024
Good News of Great Joy: For All People
First Reading: Numbers 24:15-17. God compels the heathen magician Balaam to prophesy that out of the nation of Israel would come one who would shine like a star for all people to see.
Second Reading: Romans 11:13-15, 28-32. Paul writes about his passion for sharing the good news with all peoples.
Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 2:1-12. Wise Ones Worship Jesus.
Thanks be to God for his good news of great joy for all people. Thanks be to God who has le us to believe that wise ones worship Jesus.
Pastor Nate Kassulke
The First Sunday After Christmas, December 31, 2023
Good News of Great Joy: Peace on Earth
First Reading: 1 Kings 8:6-13. King Solomon dedicates the temple, a place where the glory of the LORD would be revealed as the peace of salvation was proclaimed.
Second Reading: Colossians 3:12-17. As the peace of Christ rules our hearts, we are moved to live in peace.
Gospel and Sermon Text: Luke 2:22-40. The Baby Who Brought Peace.
Christmas is really about God giving to you—giving you peace through his Son: peace in your heart like Simeon had; a peace that you can share with people around you, like Anna did.
Pastor Ron Koehler
Christmas Day Service, December 25, 2023
Good News of Great Joy: God Became Man
First Reading: Micah 5:2-5.
Second Reading: Galatians 4:4-7.
Psalm 98.
Gospel and Sermon Text: John 1:1-18. God Became Man.
Be filled with great joy over the angels’ good news: God became man to redeem you and make you his child through faith.
Pastor Tim Patoka
Christmas Eve Candelite Service, December 24, 2023
Good News of Great Joy: A Savior Has Been Born To Us
Genesis 3:8-16 Good News First Shared
Isaiah 7:10-14: Good News in an Impossible Sign
Micah 5:2-5 Good News from a Little Town
Luke 2:1-7 Good New: He is born!
Luke 2:8-14 Good News of Great Joy
Luke 2;15-20 Good New to Share
Titus 3:4-7 Good News of Eternal Life
Pastor Ron Koehler
Sunday Morning Christmas Eve Service, December 24, 2023
Good News of Great Joy: God Keeps His Promises
First Reading: 2 Samuel 7:8-16.
Second Reading: Romans 17:25-27.
Gospel and Sermon Text: Luke 1:26-38. You Have Found Favor with God
For all the people of the world, Jesus came to be our Savior. God was keeping the promises he had made.
And because of that good news of great joy at Jesus birth comes this good news of great joy for us: you have found favor with God.
Pastor Nate Kassulke
Third Sunday of Advent, December 17, 2023
2023 Advent Series: The King Shall Come
First Reading: Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11.
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24.
Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28
Sermon Text: Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11. Rejoice in the Lord!
For His Good News
For He Certainly Clothes Us
Pastor Tim Patoka
Third Midweek Advent Worship, December 13, 2023
2023 Advent Series: The King Shall Come
First Reading: 1 Peter 2: 9-12.
Gospel: Luke 1:46-55.
Sermon Text: Numbers 13: 16-20, 26-32, 14: 26-35. Exiled by Fear and Unbelief
Pastor Nate Kassulke
Second Sunday of Advent, December 10, 2023
2023 Advent Series: The King Shall Come
First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11.
Second Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-14 .
Gospel: Mark 1:1-8
Sermon Text: 2 Peter 3:8-14. Christians Are Always Ready for the Last Day
Because we understand what God is like.
Because we know how all this ends.
Because we are looking forward to the End.
Pastor Ron Koehler
Second Midweek Advent Worship, December 6, 2023
2023 Advent Series: The King Shall Come
First Reading: 1 Peter 1:13-21.
Gospel: Luke 1:13-17.
Sermon Text: Genesis 3:21-24. Exiled by Sin and Death.
Pastor Seth Scheuerlein
First Sunday of Advent, December 3, 2023
2023 Advent Series: The King Shall Come
First Reading: Isaiah 64:1-9.
Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9.
Gospel and Sermon Text: Mark 11:1-10. Our King Is Coming to Save Us
It’s the beginning of a new church year. We are about to embark again on our review of the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. We will ponder how his life has changed and continues to change ours. We will see Jesus again and again for who he truly is: our King. Our King comes to save us!
Pastor Nathan Kassulke
Midweek Advent, Wednesday, November 29, 2023
First Midweek Advent Service
First Reading: Psalm 139: 13-24.
Gospel: Luke 1:67-79.
Sermon Text: Psalm 137. Exiled by Enemies and Tormentors.
Jesus came to save us from being spiritually exiled by our enemies and tormentors. Instead of being distanced from him and without hope, he brought us close to him He rescued us from being held captive by sin and deaeth and the Devil. Our LORD is with us just as he continued to e with his people in captivity.
Pastor Ron Koehler
Last Sunday of the Church Year, Sunday, November 26, 2023
Last Sunday in the Church Year
First Reading: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14.
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46.
Sermon Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Yearn for the Lord to Return
We cannot help but yearn for the Lord to return because he will usher in a much better quality of life than we could ever have dreamed. Not only will we continue to e not guilty of sin because of Jesus, but also we’ll never sin again. And it will last for eternity, without end.
Pastor Tim Patoka
Thanksgiving Eve Service, Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Thanksgiving Eve Service
First Reading: Deuteronomy 8:10-18.
Second Reading: Philippians 4:10-20
Gospel: Luke 17:11-19.
Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 9:15. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
Pastor Ryan Heiman
Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday, November 19, 2023
Godly Giving: Confident Generosity
First Reading: Malachi 3:6-12. God offered his Old Testament believers the opportunity to test his promises.
Gospel: Matthew 19:16-26. The promise of treasure in heaven was not enough to inspire the confidence of the rich young man.
Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 9:8-15. Confident Generosity
We cannot possibly out-give God’s grace. He gives us promise after amazing promise so we can be confident as we strive to spend the gifts he has given us to God’s glory and for the good of many.
Pastor Nate Kassulke
Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday, November 12, 2023
Godly Giving: Generous People of a Generous God
First Reading: Deuteronomy 26:1-11.
Gospel: Luke 12:13-21.
Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 9:1-7. Generous People of a Generous God
God was happy to give to you and he wants you to be happy when you give to him. Then see the love and blessing God pours out on us and others as we all give together to support our sharing of the Jesus as the world’s Savior.
Pastor Ron Koehler