Godly Giving: Overflow with Contagious Generosity (2 Corinthians 8:1-12)

Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday, November 5, 2023

Godly Giving: Contagious Generosity

First Reading: 1 Chronicles 22:11-16.

Gospel: Mark 12:41-44.

Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 8:1-12. Overflow with Contagious Generosity

As the salt of the earth who preserves it from sin’s decay and the light of the world who shares Christ with sin-blinded people, you can model godly giving to reflect God’s will and priorities in the secular world

Pastor Tim Patoka

Sally Littau
The Word of our God Stands Forever (Isaiah 40:1-8)

Reformation Service, Sunday, October 29, 2023

First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-8.

Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:13-25.

Gospel: Luke 21: 10-19, 32-33.

Sermon Text: Isaiah 40:1-8. The Word of our God Stands Forever.

Guest Preacher: Pastor Earle Treptow, President, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

Sally Littau
The God You Serve Shuts Lions' Mouths (Daniel 6: 10-12, 16-23)

Reformation Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Festival of Reformation emphasizes the true Church’s unfailing reliance on the Word of God and unflinching testimony to that Word even in the face of harsh persecution.

First Reading: Daniel 6:10-12, 16-23. Daniel demonstrated his steadfast faith.

Second Reading: Romans 3: 19-28. God justifies those who have been given the gift of steadfast faith in Jesus.

Gospel: Matthew 10:16-23. Our trust in Jesus doesn’t mean absence of persecution, but faithfulness.

Sermon Text: Daniel 6:10-12, 16-23. The God You Serve Shuts Lions’ Mouths.

You will face ‘lions’ in your life. You will be tempted to stop serving and loving God and to instead save your own skin or maintain your own comfort. You have a God who has given you salvation and amazing promises. Serve him, pray to him, confess his love, and do not be afraid.

Pastor Nate Kassulke

Sally Littau
Godly Government (Romans 13:1-7)

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, October 22, 2023

Godly Government: Christians support our government simply because it was instituted by God. Jesus himself taught that we owe respect and obedience to our government.

First Reading: Daniel 1:3-21. Daniel and his friends faithfully served the government that God had placed over them.

Second Reading: Romans 13:1-7. Everyone is to submit to the governing authorities established by God.

Gospel: Matthew 22: 15-22. Jesus teaches we are to give the government what belongs to the government. But we are not to give to the government what belongs only to God.

Sermon Text: Romans 13:1-7. Submit to the Governing Authorities.

See our governing authorities in the light of the Bible: God’s servant who cares for and protects us through them.

Pastor Tim Patoka

Sally Littau
The Foolish Rejection of a Gracious Invitation (Matthew 22:1-14)

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, October 15, 2023

Tell Us a Story: Jesus’ Powerful Parables

It may not always be simple to understand the stories Jesus tells in his parables. But the lessons he teaches are incredibly valuable. By the power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, these are the best stories for us to hear.

First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9. The prophet Isaiah describes the heavenly banquet where death and tears will be no more.

Second Reading: Romans 1:16-19. We are saved through faith alone.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 22: 1-14. The Foolish Rejection of a Gracious Invitation.

Three days before his death in Israel’s Holy City, Jesus was still reaching out in an effort to save the lost. We have received Jesus’ gracious invitation, too. Do not be foolish and turn down his invitation.

Pastor Ron Koehler

Sally Littau
Tell Us A Story of Reckless Patience (Matthew 21:33-43)

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost, October 8, 2023

Tell Us a Story: Jesus’ Powerful Parables

It may not always be simple to understand the stories Jesus tells in his parables. But the lessons he teaches are incredibly valuable. By the power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, these are the best stories for us to hear.

First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7. The LORD pictures his patient love for Israel as an owner of a vineyard patiently waiting for a good crop of fruit.

Second Reading: Philippians 3:12-21. Through Christ we have already attained the kingdom of heaven. God patiently waits for us to respond to his grace by living drastically different lives than the people of the world.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 21:33-43. Tell Us a Story of Reckless Patience.

This story of reckless patience reminds us that God is patient not only with Jewish leaders but also with you and me. I can be patient with others when I remember how God’s patience with me has been so extreme and we can only stand in awe of God’s amazing grace. We thank God for making us a part of his eternal kingdom and we bring forth fruits of faith as he empowers us.

Pastor Nate Kassulke

Sally Littau
Tell Us A Story of Spiritual Insincerity (Matthew 21:23-32)

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, October 1, 2023

Tell Us a Story: Jesus’ Powerful Parables

It may not always be simple to understand the stories Jesus tells in his parables. But the lessons he teaches are incredibly valuable. By the power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, these are the best stories for us to hear.

First Reading: Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32. The prophet Ezekiel gives a strong warning to Christians who have grown dismissive of their sin.

Second Reading: Philippians 2:1-11. Moved by Christ’s love and empowered by the Spirit, we sincerely attempt to imitate the selflessness and humility of our Savior Jesus.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 21:23-32. As Our Father Wills.

Jesus Christ, God’s own Son, came to take our sins away with his perfect life, innocent death, and resurrection from the grave so we can sincerely agree to all our Father in heaven wills as we live for him in thanks and faith, follow through on our good intentions and lead others to ask about our Savior Jesus Christ, God’s own Son.

Pastor Tim Patoka

Sally Littau
Tell Us A Story of Perplexing Generosity (Matthew 20:1-16)

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 24, 2023

Tell Us a Story: Jesus’ Powerful Parables

It may not always be simple to understand the stories Jesus tells in his parables. But the lessons he teaches are incredibly valuable. By the power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, these are the best stories for us to hear.

First Reading: Jonah 3:10-4:11.

Second Reading: Romans 9:6-16.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 20:1-16. Tell Us a Story of Perplexing Generosity

Pastor Nate Kassulke

Sally Littau
The Example of Joseph Inspires Us (Genesis 50:15-21)

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 17, 2023

The Church God Wants: A Church That’s Quick to Forgive

First Reading: Genesis 50:15-21.

Second Reading: Ephesians 4:29-5:2.

Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35.

Sermon: Genesis 50:15-21. The Example of Joseph Inspires Us.

  • To Forgive as God Forgives You

  • To Extend Comfort and Kindness

Pastor Ron Koehler

Sally Littau
Turn From Your Evil Ways and Live! (Ezekiel 33:7-11)

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 10, 2023

The Church God Wants: A Church Willing to Say Hard Things

First Reading: Ezekiel 33:7-11.

Second Reading: Galatians 2:11-16.

Gospel: Matthew 18:15-20.

Sermon: Turn From Your Evil Ways and Live! (Ezekiel 33:7-11.

  • It’s hard to mean it

  • It’s hard to say it

Pastor Tim Patoka

Sally Littau
Comfort in Crosses (Matthew 16:21-26)

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 3, 2023

The Church God Wants: A Church That Takes Up Its Crosses

First Reading: Jeremiah 15:15-21.

Second Reading: Romans 8:18-25.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 16:21-26. Comfort in Crosses

We find comfort in our crosses when we look to Jesus and his cross and remember what he did for us.

We can rely on God’s promises which remind us that he is with us and supporting us and that as his disciples we can be confident that after a lifetime of bearing crosses will come a crown—the crown of eternal life with our Savior.

Pastor Ron Koehler

Sally Littau
The Lord Proclaims His Name (Exodus 34:5-9)

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 27, 2023

The Church God Wants

First Reading: Exodus 34:5-9.

Second Reading: Romans 10:5-13.

Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20

Sermon: The Lord Proclaims His Name (Exodus 34:5-9)

The name of the Lord is incredible news and an incredible comfort for stiff-necked people like us.

He is compassionate and gracious and loving and forgiving.

He is overflowing with mercy and truth. And in his mercy, the Lord forgives.

Pastor Nathan Kassulke

Sally Littau
A Church for All People (Ephesians 2:13-22)

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, August 20, 2023

The Church God Wants

First Reading: Isaiah 56: 1, 6-8.

Second Reading: Ephesians 2:13-22.

Gospel: Matthew 15: 21-28

Sermon: A Church for All People (Ephesians 2:13-22)

Our Lord’s promises and blessings are for all. He’s given them to us through faith in Jesus. May we share it with all others as we help our church be what God wants: a church for all people.

Pastor Tim Patoka

Sally Littau
The Christian Answers Doubt with Faith (Matthew 14:22-33)

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, August 13, 2023

Define Christian Series

First Reading: 1 Kings 19:9-18.

Second Reading: Romans 8:28-39.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 14:122-33. A Christian Answers Doubt with Faith

Ultimately, our Savior will grab our hand and pull us up out of this stormy world and into the peace of heaven where we will worship him eternally. No more days of being battered by life’s furious winds, but only the eternal calm that will come from being in our Savior’s presence in heaven

Pastor Ron Koehler

Sally Littau
Trust in God to Provide (1 Kings 17:1-6)

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 6, 2023

Define Christian Series

First Reading: 1 Kings 17:1-6.

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-10.

Gospel: Matthew 14:13-31.

Sermon: 1 Kings 17:1-6. Trust in God to Provide

Having heard God promise to provide for your bodily and spiritual needs and seen him do so, trust in God to provide. He has a perfect track record, can do anything, and has given this promise to you.

Pastor Tim Patoka

Sally Littau
The Kingdom of Heaven is Your Treasure (Matthew 13:44-52)

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, July 30, 2023

Define Christian Series

First Reading: 1 Kings 3:5-12.

Second Reading: 1 Timothy 6:17-21.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 13: 44-52. The Kingdom of Heaven is Your Trasure.

Jesus wants us to know what an amazing treasure—the kingdom of heaven— we have in him.

Pastor Nate Kassulke

Sally Littau
A Christian Is Planted by the Word (Isaiah 55:6-11)

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, July 16, 2023

Define Christian Series

A Christian is one who needs God’s Word to rain down on us. It calls us to repent, it shows us God’s greatness, and it accomplishes his good purposes in our lives. Thanks be to God that he rains it down on us.

First Reading: Isaiah 55:6-11.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:5-11.

Gospel: Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23.

Sermon Text: Isaiah 55:6-11. God’s Word Rains Down on Us.

Pastor Nathan Kassulke

Sally Littau
A Christian Finds Rest in Jesus (Matthew 11:25-30)

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 9, 2023

Define Christian Series

A Christian is one who runs to Christ for a rest that comes from God. When we’re weary and burdened, we rest in Jesus for the unique, lasting rest.

First Reading: Exodus 33: 12-23.

Second Reading: Romans 7:15-25.

Gospel: Matthew 11: 25-30. Rest in Jesus.

Rest in Jesus when you’re weary and burdened and whenever you are wearing the wrong yoke.

Pastor Tim Patoka

Sally Littau
A Christian Loves God Above All (Matthew 10:34-42

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, July 2, 2023

Define Christian Series

A Christian is one who runs to Christ for forgiveness because he has failed to l ive like what he is—a Christian. As we receive the mercy of Christ, it moves us to strive with all our being to follow Christ’s example, doing all the things Jesus says that Christians do.

First Reading: Exodus 32:15-29. .

Second Reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-16.

Gospel: Matthew 10:34-42. A Christian Loves God Above All

This brings earthly opposition

This brings Heavenly Rewards

Pastor Ron Koehler

Sally Littau