The God You Serve Shuts Lions' Mouths (Daniel 6: 10-12, 16-23)
Reformation Sunday, October 29, 2023
The Festival of Reformation emphasizes the true Church’s unfailing reliance on the Word of God and unflinching testimony to that Word even in the face of harsh persecution.
First Reading: Daniel 6:10-12, 16-23. Daniel demonstrated his steadfast faith.
Second Reading: Romans 3: 19-28. God justifies those who have been given the gift of steadfast faith in Jesus.
Gospel: Matthew 10:16-23. Our trust in Jesus doesn’t mean absence of persecution, but faithfulness.
Sermon Text: Daniel 6:10-12, 16-23. The God You Serve Shuts Lions’ Mouths.
You will face ‘lions’ in your life. You will be tempted to stop serving and loving God and to instead save your own skin or maintain your own comfort. You have a God who has given you salvation and amazing promises. Serve him, pray to him, confess his love, and do not be afraid.
Pastor Nate Kassulke