The Blessings of Being a Sheep (John 10:22-30)
Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 8, 2022
Fulfilled Works March Victorious Over Empty Words
First Reading: Acts 13:15-16, 26-39. St. Paull points out that Jesus’ death and resurrection both fulfilled the Scripture.
Second Reading: Revelation 7:9-17. The Apostle John sees that God’s promise to rescue all believers from the tribulation of this world is not just empty words.
Gospel and Sermon Text: John 10:22-30. The Blessings of Being a Sheep.
The voice of Jesus calls out to you and me. It is a place where the voice of the Good Shepherd is heard in the Lord’s Supper of forgiveness. How important it is for us to gather here and listen to his voice!
In a world with so many opinions and false information and fake news and unverified claims, his is the voice you can trust. He said he would do the work of saving you, and he did.
Pastor Ron Koehler