The Annointed One Brings Good News (Isaiah 61:1-6)

3rd Sunday after Epiphany, January 23, 2022

Epiphany Series: Uncovered

Third Sunday after Epiphany

First Reading: Isaiah 61:1-6. The Lord allowed the Israelites to be conquered, but not forever.

Psalm of the Day, Psalm 146: The LORD is worthy of praise.

Second Reading:: Acts 4:23-31. The Apostles prayed for boldness to proclaim the Gospel

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:16-30. Jesus is rejected by his hometown when he revealed himself as the Annointed.

Sermon: Isaiah 61:1-6. The Annointed One Brings Good News.

Consider the Old Testament people who were exiled to Babylon. The people faced that fate because they had rejected God. And while some listened to amazing promises of salvation those who did were always a small remnant.

Many years later, Jesus used these promises to introduce himself to his hometown synagogue but in one of the saddest reactions, they not only left the good news behind, they tried to toss him off a cliff.

This needs to be a warning for us that the news in the verses can be taken for granted and dismissed when what we see doesn’t meet our expectations. The same sinful heart that has led so many to reject the good news resides in us.

Listen to the good news. Hold on to it. And share it with others.


Pastor Nathan Kassulke

Sally Littau