The Final Battle - Good Friday
Good Friday Tenebrae Service, April 10, 2020
The Son of God Goes Forth to War
Less than a week before, a large crowd had chanted specific names and words of praise reserved for God’s promised Savior, but now the warrior was hanging on a cross dying.
This was the final battle. The big one. He had come into this world and had worked every day of his life to prepare for this.
Your future, my future—the future of everyone who has ever lived—was hanging on the outcome of this battle.
The life of Jesus is the most significant single life in all of history and what happened on the cross at his death changed the entire world and everyone who has ever lived.
The battle was won. Jesus made it to the end and paid the price for your sin and mine—-and the overwhelming proof of his victory and ours will be seen in an empty garden tomb on Sunday. Amen
Pastor Ron Koehler