The Root of Jesse: God's Kingdom Comes with Righteousness! (Isaiah 11:1-10)
Advent with Isaiah: Midweek Advent Service 3, December 18, 2019
Jesse was a plain and ordinary man who lived in Bethlehem. So he was as surprised as anyone when Samuel, the prophet of God came to him—to anoint the next king of Israel who turned out to be David.
King David was highly regarded as perhaps the best king that Israel ever had.
It was many years later when a different prophet, the prophet Isaiah, mentioned this same Jesse in the eleventh chapter of the Book of Isaiah when he says the stump from Jesse will bear friend and the Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—-the Spirit of wisdom and understanding.
This is the Messiah who is described.In the coming of the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ, we find the coming of righteousness. In him, we have a glorious resting place, an eternal home ini iheaven.
May our Advent with Isaiah draw us closer to him and may it truly prepare our hearts for our celebration of Christmas and for our Savior’s return as judge.
In Christ Jesus we have righteousness. Repent and believe the good news..
Pastor Nate Kassulke