Forgiveness For the Lost and Rejoicing Over the Found (Luke 15:1-10)
The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, September 11, 2022
The Hard Truth Worship Series
Hard Truth Series: The Found Are Left; the Lost Are Found
First Reading: Hosea 3:1-5. The LORD called the Prophet Hosea to seek his adulterous wife and love her again to show our God is a God who seeks and redeems those who are lost.
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 2:5-11. Paul encourages the members of the church to lovingly welcome back a member who had been lost in sin.
Gospel and Sermon Text: Luke 15:1-10. Forgiveness for the Lost and Rejoicing Over the Found.
People might be different from us in all sorts of way, but they are people Jesus loves.
We dare not judge them to be less important than we are..
Your prayers to God today should include:
thanks that he found you when you were lost,
asking that he always keep you mindful of his grace,
asking that he would use you to search for and share forgiveness with the lost so that they may be found.
Pastor Ron Koehler