Be a Witness of Our Ascended Savior (Acts 1:1-11)
The Ascension of Our Lord, May 29, 2022
Power Marches Victorious to the Ends of the Earth
First Reading: Acts 1:1-11. Jesus ascends to rule over all things as his Church serves as his witnesses..
Second Reading: Revelation 19:11-16. John sees the ascended Lord as a warrior riding on a white horse fighting against all those who oppose Christ’s gospel and his Church..
Gospel: Luke 24:44-53. Jesus promises to send the disciples power from heaven to carry out his mission..
Sermon Text: Acts 1:1-11: Be a Witness of Our Ascended Savior.
The lessons from Jesus’ life are incredibly important. They are the heart of the gospel, the good news that we all need to hear.
Although we are not witnesses in the same sense that the disciples were who got to see the clous move in to hide Jesus from their sight, but we are witnesses nonetheless because our ascended Savior has seen to it that we have heard their testimony and we have been given faith to believe it.
We, like the disciples, get to await his return knowing that, as forgiven children, our homes are in heaven with him, and like them, we get to share the good news with others.
Pastor Nathan Kassulke