Jesus Shows Compassion to Shepherdless Sheep (Matthew 9:35-10:8)

Third Sunday after Pentecost, June 18, 2023

The Holy Ministry

First Reading: Numbers 27:15-23. Moses’ life and ministry were coming to an end. God in compassion for his people, had Moses appoint Joshua to take his place.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 4:1-7. The congregation in Corinth was troubled and divided. Paul wrote them, not out of anger, but out of compassion—not to shame them, but to warn them.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 9:35-10:8. Jesus Shows Compassion to Shepherdless Sheep.

Crowds of people were coming to Jesus. They were made up of people who were born in sin and unbelief, just like all the other people born into this world including you and me. They needed help, they needed a Savior. Jesus had compassion on them and instructed his disciples to pray and then to spread the Gospel.

Today we pray that God would send workers to reach people we see around us with the assurances of forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. And we pray that we will support this with our prayers, and to give generously to our mission field to help this happen.

Pastor Nate Kassulke

Sally Littau