Jesus Guides His Church to Forgive as God Forgives (Matthew 18:21-35)
Jesus Guides His Church to Forgive as God Forgives, Week 4, September 27, 2020
Readings for this Week:
First Lesson: Genesis 50:15-21: Joseph had forgiven his brothers their terrible deeds. Through his tears, Joseph never wavered, but he calmed his brothers’ fears, forgave them like God forgives and set them free from their prison of the past.
Psalm 103: Praise the Lord; He forgives all your sins, a beautiful psalm of comfort.
Second Lesson: Ephesians 4:29-5:2: Forgiveness is the primary mark of the Christian. We forgive because God forgave us in Christ. That makes us imitators of God.
Gospel and Sermon Text: Matthew 18:21-35: Jesus’ parable contrasts the forgiveness of God and our own unforgiving nature. Who can comprehend the forgiveness of God? Have mercy on us, Lord, and teach us to forgive like you!
Sermon: Jesus Guides His Church to Forgive as God Forgives
Isn’t it easy to think of ourselves as good Christians? I suspect that Peter thought he was a pretty good Christian to suggest forgiving the same person seven times.
As it turns out, seven times is not particularly generous, Jesus said. Jesus wants the members of his church to forgive as God forgives; to do as they pray in the Lord’s Prayer, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” He wants us to remember that our immense debt of sin has been forgiven, completely wiped out.
Let us rejoice that God has graciously and generously forgiven us, and then let’s forgive others as God forgives us.
Pastor Nathan Kassulke