The Promise: Jesus (Luke 1:26-38)

Fourth Sunday in Advent, December 20, 2020

Scripture Readings for this week:

First Lesson:  2 Samuel 7:8-16:  Both Jesus’ coming in grace and his coming in judgment are events pre-figured in the promise to David.  What’s left for us to do?  Nothing!

Psalm 63:  This Psalm of David expresses a deep longing for God.

Second Lesson:  Romans 16:25-27: Jesus, the sum of all that God has to say to us, is about to descent once more to the lowly manger of our hearts! 

Verse of the Day: Matthew 1:23:  Alleluia.  The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son.  And they will name him Immanuel.  Alleluia.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Luke 1:26-38: Listen to the promise of the angel: the one to be born would be  true and complete God and true and complete man --- in one person.

What is so amazing about this promise it that it does not depend on you; it depends on God.  It depends on Jesus.

And that amazing and impossible promise deserves only one reaction:  it is to be received in faith.

May God bless these last days of Advent for all of us.  May he strengthen our faith to believe the impossible and the amazing news.  May he prepare us for life and for eternity through his greatest promise to us: the promise of Jesus.


Pastor Nathan Kassulke

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