Connected to the Scriptures (Luke 24:36-49)

Third Sunday of Easter, April 18, 2021

Readings for this Service:

First Lesson: Acts 12:1-19. God did amazing things through the life of Peter. Whatever you fear—hold fast to the Word and the risen and ruling Christ in it. He will not forsake you but remains with you through his Word.

Psalm 118. This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 2:12-3::6. Paul praises and thanks God for allowing him to spread the Gospel.

Gospel and Sermon Text: Luke 24:36-49. Connected to the Scriptures.

We connect to the Scriptures to know that Jesus is alive and to know why Jesus is alive: that he is alive for us. He is alive for our forgiveness. He is alive to take away our doubts and fears. He is alive so that we may live with him forever.

Pastor Nathan Kassulke

Sally Littau