MLC Fun Run
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Martin Luther College (MLC), our synod’s college of ministry, is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its founding this year. Like the rest of us, the college is also dealing with life disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. Many traditions that involve people gathering at MLC are not possible right now. Homecoming weekend is going to look a lot different than most years. One homecoming tradition (this will be the tenth year) at MLC is a one-mile “fun run.” Of course, people can participate by walking the mile, too. This year, the event is going digital. You can find out more at this link.
At Grace we are also planning to have our own southern version of the fun run. Join us at our new Sahuarita location on Saturday, October 3. You can come by any time from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. We’ll have a one-mile route ready to go (choose a paved path or a “desert” course), and you can walk or run, maybe enjoy a snack, lunch, and a little outdoor socializing, and take a tour of our new facilities. We are no longer able to accept T-shirt orders, since that deadline is past, but if you sign up by October 1, you can still be eligible to win a prize from MLC. Use the form below or contact the Church Office to register.
Fun Run Registration
Please fill out the form below to register. You will need to fill out the information for at least one runner, and you can enter as many as four. If you need more entries, refresh the page after submitting and complete the form for the remaining runners. The submit button is found at the bottom of the page.